- GRI 102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker
Dear Readers,
Freedom of opinion is the cornerstone of a functioning democracy based on freedom, security and pluralism. The radical changes in the way media is used as a result of digitalisation mean that digital platforms in particular, with their information controlled by algorithms, are increasingly restricting the aforementioned cornerstones of our liberal-democratic basic order. It is for that very reason that traditional media are duty-bound to contextualize content, check facts and offer a variety of subject matter – as a counterbalance to filter bubbles, fake news and hate speech. The promotion of socially relevant and democratizing content is therefore more important than ever if we want to protect the greatest achievement of the post-war era, namely our open and pluralistic society based on clear rules, whose core is pluralism of opinion and information.
As a private media group, we take our social responsibility seriously. In the weeks leading up to the European elections, we targeted young people in particular with detailed information in our program and used campaigns to encourage them to exercise their right to vote. We also use a variety of formats to make socially relevant issues accessible to a large audience – to raise awareness and shed light on them. An excellent example of this was our #WirZeigenHaltung (#WeTakeaStand) formats from spring 2019, in which we tackled the issues of date rape drugs, stalking and civil courage.

As a private media group, we take our social responsibility seriously.
Media companies like ProSiebenSat.1 are the fourth pillar of a democratic society. It is their responsibility to curate content and deliver public value for society. They are by law a cultural asset and, at the same time, an economic entity. This dual nature has always been a defining characteristic of media companies, which is why public value and sustainability are taking on a special role in these companies.
The conception of the Group-wide sustainability strategy “We love to sustain” in 2018 was a central objective in light of these circumstances too. Since the start of 2019, we have been implementing the strategy and developing it further in operational and organizational terms. This report will provide you with more information on our ambitions and action areas. We will also give you tangible examples of how ProSiebenSat.1 lives up to its corporate and social responsibility and tell you in detail about our sustainability activities.
Conrad Albert
Deputy CEO and Group General Counsel, ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE