- GRI 102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker
ProSiebenSat.1 wants to be more than a successful commercial enterprise. With our TV stations and digital entertainment and commerce platforms, we reach millions of viewers and users every day. This is a great privilege, but also a special obligation because our reach as a media group confers on us a material social and journalistic responsibility. Our aim is to make a contribution to society. Foreword
In 2018, ProSiebenSat.1 developed a Group-wide sustainability strategy entitled “We love to sustain.” It was adopted in the first quarter of 2019 and has been implemented gradually ever since. The objective was to tie sustainability aspects more strongly to ProSiebenSat.1’s corporate strategy and to strengthen the Group’s integrated approach towards economic, environmental and social performance. It also included reevaluating current sustainability activities and aligning them to the new strategy.
Sustainability Strategy “We Love to Sustain”
The following steps were key to the strategic process:
- Analysis of current situation and sector benchmarking
- Reviewing the materiality analysis and surveying stakeholders
- Defining priorities and selecting relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Formulating the sustainability strategy (approach, action areas and principles, key topics)
- Defining sustainability goals, strategic measures and KPIs
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) define global priorities and sustainable development goals for 2030 and aim to mobilise global efforts to achieve a common set of goals and targets. The SDGs call for global action by governments, business and civil society to end poverty and create a life of dignity and opportunity for all within the confines of the planet. Unlike their predecessor, the Millennium Development Goals, the SDGs explicitly call on all companies to use their creativity and innovation to address the challenges of sustainable development. Against this background, ProSiebenSat.1 has identified the six goals as particularly relevant to its business activities.
Relevant UN Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs)
As a result of the strategic process, we consequently divided our sustainability management into four action areas, in which we will summarize our activities thematically going forward; we have formulated a principle for each action area. The implementation of the Group's sustainability strategy and the implementation of the defined measures have been taking place since the beginning of 2019. In particular, the focus is on concretizing and structuring the sustainability goals.